James Richard “Rick” Jones, III
Rick graduated from Boone High School in Orlando, Florida, received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of New Mexico, and his Ph.D. from Indiana University. Rick was Indiana’s State Archaelogist. He was awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash.
When Rick was not doing his archeo mentoring, educating, regulating or friendship building, he could be found reading from his 1,000+++ collection of books; attending Portfolio Club meetings; or playing lead guitar in the bands Graal, Late Shift Disorder or Bandage.
Rick and his wife, Tina, were married 33 years and rescued more than a dozen cats and dogs.
Edward Luckey Wolfley
1925 – 2023
Daniel James Henkel
1951 – 2023
Dan was was a self-taught classical guitarist with a deep love of art, music, and laughter. After attending various colleges, he earned a Bachelor of Arts with High Distinction at IUPUI, majoring in Communication and Theatre. In June 1981, he married the love of his life, Beth (Holland) Henkel.
Dan had a wide variety of talents and dedicated himself to the musical arts, theater, educational institutions, the environment, and public service. He taught guitar lessons and music theory, co-founding Renaissance Studios in Broad Ripple in the 1970s, and played professionally for several years. He worked in video production for the Indiana State Teachers Association and served as Director of Public Information for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources where he was editor of Outdoor Indiana magazine.
He was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Sagamore of the Wabash, the Maynard K. Hine Award from IUPUI, and Apex, Epic, Keystone, and Encore awards for crisis communications, op/ed writing, video productions, and musical arrangements. In the 1990s, Dan began officiating weddings often joined by Beth. As longtime allies of the LGBTQ community, Dan and Beth delighted in wedding couples of all genders and orientations.Dan was treasured for his wit and kind heart. Dan and Beth came to Portfolio through Dan’s parents, Dick and Margery Henkel, who were long-time members. Dan was President from 2009 to 2011. Throughout his membership, he brought classical guitar, jazz, (bad) puns, wit and laughter to programs. For several years he delighted in serving as auctioneer at the annual auctions.

Donald Joseph Boyle, 1924 – 2022
Born in Bronx, New York, on May 4, 1924, Don passed away on July 27, 2022, at age 98. He married Betty (Bagnuolo) Boyle in 1949 after meeting at a church dance.
Often, he would address himself as, “Mr. Betty Boyle,” because he was very dedicated to supporting Betty’s art. He became her framer, making her work truly shine, and accompanied her to hundreds of art shows where he put his salesman talents to work. At many of Portfolio’s annual auctions, he played the huckster (along with Dave Peat) to garner bids supporting the Club’s scholarship. Don could always be counted on for an Irish joke or two, or a funny story.
Having served in the Army Air Corps in WWII, he retired as a First Lieutenant and went on to study at Iona College where he graduated in 1949. An impressive sales management career followed at Economics Laboratory for thirty years that he very much enjoyed. Don loved his family. He and Betty had ten children, 25 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Betty passed away in 2015.

Charles Daniel Woodfin, 1941 – 2021
Dan was born in Okolona, Mississippi, in 1941. He attended high school in Mobile, Alabama, and studied architecture at Auburn University.
He practiced and taught architecture for well over 50 years at the University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, and the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) before heading to Ball State University in 1971 where he taught until his retirement in 2018. He additionally practiced architecture early in his career in New Orleans as well as in Knoxville. During his tenure at Ball State he maintained an office with Uwe Koehler and later as a sole practitioner. Being a teacher was center to his life.
Dan’s curiosity and inquisitive eye for design in any aspect was unceasing. He enjoyed genealogy and avid postcard collector. In 2019, he presented a lecture to Portfolio titled, “The Design Theories of Christopher Alexander, The Basis of My Work.”
Doug Horth, 1923 – 2020
An active member of several organizations including Breakfast Optimist Club of Indianapolis, the Service Club of Indianapolis, Toastmasters and The Portfolio. He was a man of many interests and hobbies from piloting his planes to jogging before it was popular to skiing, always skiing. Every winter he returned to his beloved Colorado where he skied until he was 92 years old. He loved rowing his boat/shell every spring, summer and fall morning usually beginning at sunrise. He was an avid student of history and he loved to dance! Anytime. Anywhere. Appropriate or not, he danced. Doug and his wife, Lois, were both members beginning in 1987.
Adele Clerkin-Holevas, 1937 – 2020
Adele’s professional career centered around music and education. She worked in the Office of the Chairman of the Aeronautics Department and was the organist in the chapel at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led public relation efforts in pursuit of financial support for children with Autism, an instructor at Phillips Exeter Academy, and a professor at Montreat College and Warren Wilson College. In addition to her professional career, Adele was also the Director of Music at Christ Church in Exeter, New Hampshire, the organist at Epworth United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and substitute organist at countless churches across the country. Adele became a member of The Portfolio in 2014.

Mark Holeman, 1920 – 2020
Born in Miami Beach, Florida, Mark attended Shortridge High School and Butler University. He founded the landscape and construction firm which bears his name in 1965. Mark was very involved in arts and education. A bibliophile, he was an active supporter of the Herron library. He was active with the Indianapolis Museum of Art since 1970. He served as vice-chair and chair during his tenure on the Board of Governors from 1987 to 1995. For more than 20 years, he served on the Museum’s Environmental and Historic Resources Committee, guiding the work of the IMA’s gardens and historic properties. He and his wife Carmen have contributed numerous textiles, artwork and horticultural specimens to the IMA, which has helped shape the Museum’s unique encyclopedic collection. In 1988 the Holeman’s funded a contemporary gallery, now known as the Carmen and Mark Holeman Gallery. He also was a member of several IMA affiliate groups, including the Contemporary Art Society and the Horticultural Society. Mark and Carmen Holeman were members of The Portfolio from 1978 until their passing.

Carmen was born in Mauthausen, Austria. After World War II, Carmen came to the United States and married Mark Holeman. Together, Carmen and Mark were active in the arts and culture of Indianapolis. In 1998, the Holeman’s funded a contemporary gallery at the Indianapolis Museum of Art – the Carmen and Mark Holeman Gallery. Carmen, with Mark, joined The Portfolio in 1978.

Mary Johnston Brown, 1918-2019
Born in Indianapolis, Mary attended John Herron. For 20 years she was a gallery and exhibition designer for the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. As an artist she exhibited widely and received numerous awards. She volunteered extensively with the Children’s Museum, The Day Nursery, and The Players. She and her husband, DeWitt Brown, became Portfolians in 1978.

Lois was born in Laporte, Indiana. She received her BFA degree from John Herron in 1947.
Lois taught art in the Brownsburg public school system and later at the Indianapolis Art Center.
An award-winning artist, her work can be found in the collections of the Indiana State Museum, Indiana University, Wabash College, and the Irvington Historical Society. Lois and her husband, Harry, joined the club in 1963.

Jack was born in Shabbona, Illinois. He received his architectural degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology, studying under Mies van der Rohe. In Indianapolis, he worked with architect Dave Richardson at Eli Lilly. Later Jack and Dave, along with Jim Weir, would found the firm Richardson, Munson, and Weir. Jack was Portfolio president for three consecutive seasons, 2017 to 2020. He became a member in 2012.

Born in Bedford, Indiana, Mary held degrees from Purdue University in art education and history. She taught art at Purdue and Central Catholic High School. Later in life she was involved as a volunteer with the Indiana Art Commissions and Very Special Arts Indiana.
In her retirement years she created beautiful paintings. Mary joined The Portfolio in 2014.

David was born in Indianapolis and attended Shortridge High School. From Purdue he earned a degree in mechanical engineering. He was employed at Western Electric for 33 years and later at Naval Avionics. He held patents for a coin shooter and a call totalizer. He was an avid collector of all facets of printing and typesetting, model railroading, and antique transportation. Dave and Mary Peat became Portfolians in 1960.